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2006年 06月份電子報
【卓越報報】留學文化與語言學程 撰寫者:


圓夢日耳曼II – 邀請德國明斯特大學經濟管理學院副院長 Prof. Dr. Vossen


演講一開始,Prof. Vossen用德國人引以為傲的汽車工業及mp3發明做為開場白,面對現場近200名學生,展現流利的英文及親切的笑容。

布隆尼亞歷程(Bonlogna process)
「布隆尼亞」是位於義大利南部的城市。Prof. Vossen開玩笑地說:「不要以為布隆尼亞歷程是拜義大利黑幫老大的過程喔!」其實,目前在歐洲各大學正進行的「布隆尼亞歷程(Bonlogna process)」,目的是改革歐洲大學傳統學制,統一為學士與碩士兩階段制。1999年,歐洲各國教育部代表於「布隆尼亞」開會,針對「歐洲大學統一學制,成為學士與碩士兩階段制」達成協議。協定在2010年前,所有歐洲大學學制將統一改為學士與碩士兩階段制,整個改革的過程稱為「布隆尼亞歷程(Bonlogna process)」。以下是Prof. Dr. Vossen對「布隆尼亞歷程(Bonlogna process)」提出的解釋:

What is Bonlogna process?
The Bologna Declaration of June 19, 1999 involves six actions relating to
1.a system of academic grades which are easy to read and compare, including the introduction of the diploma supplement (designed to improve international ”transparency” and facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications);
2.a system essentially based on two cycles: a first cycle geared towards the employment market and lasting at least three years and a second cycle(Master) conditional upon the completion of the first cycle;
3.a system of accumulation and transfer of credits (of the ECTS type already used successfully under Socrates-Erasmus);
4.mobility of students, teachers and researchers;
5.cooperation with regard to quality assurance;
6.the European dimension of higher education.

德國明斯特(Münster)大學介紹 部分Q&A整理如下

I'm a freshman in finance department. I have two questions. First one is what do you think is the most important quality that the university of Münster requires for exchange student to obtain? My second question is in finance department there's a program we call it fictitious training program (virtual exchange), and it’s a computer program that offers students to practice and experience the real market system. My question is what kind of program does University of Münster offer for students to put what they've learned in school into reality world?
First of all, let's start with the second question. We do a lot of things we call electronic journey, so we have a number of programs to have you trained capabilities outside the classroom. We do a lot of case studies with group of several students working on practical problems that would be in the finance area, in the accounting, in the controlling. We sometimes even go to the international competitions with these groups. So there are lots of opportunities. And we do a lot of things in the international industrial department. So when industrial partners invite students to go to their companies and give them a case study. They work there and solve the problem in the industry and really get hands-on experience. We also have a number of e-learning approaches throughout the school. We even write exams now in the computer. It's a big step forward.

What do we require for foreign students? Usually, we require that you are somewhat advanced already, in third or fourth year. It doesn't make sense to go abroad when you're still a freshman. So you should have some exposition to the material already, to the degree of your study. And you should have a picture of what you really would like to take home if you come to Münster. Some people come entirely unprepared. They say well it's a nice city in the northern Europe. So I'm from Spain for example, going to the north, it's a little bit colder and nice in the summer. That's not good enough. So you should have some picture and you should really inform you in advance. There are various ways to do this, though my DVD, look at our website, which is constantly updated. See what is required there. It also requires (this is something we've been working on lately) an agreement of exchange. What we usually have with our partners in a tuition waiver. You stay in your home university and pay tuition there, whatever it is, and then come to us for free, and vice versa. That is typically the case. It's not a bad idea even to get in contact with the professor in advance. When you go abroad you think ok I pick this place not just because it's a nice place but because they offer something that I can hardly learn at home and I would like to learn under different perspectives. You should not come unprepared. Other than that: enjoy!

One of my friends want to study in Germany but he graduates from here with a bachelor degree. He wants to study in Münster, he can study the bachelor or master degree?
That requires that we've already known what we do with foreign bachelor degrees. I doubt that people in charge have already thought about this. In the past, when somebody came from a foreign university with some degree, we typically ask DAAD for a statement on comparison. I doubt they have this in place for the new bachelor-masters. But nevertheless if someone shows up with his degree, there’s certainly a good reason to start this process. That can be started at any time.

In general, is it enough to speak English or do you suggest students to learn at least some basic German culture and the German language?
Both, Frankly. We do more and more teach in English. Teaching-wise, we’re going more and more international. On the other hand, if you go shopping in the supermarket you can not expect the cashier lady speak in English. We have this buddy program. Buddy can help this, at least initially to get you started. After a while, you pick up a few things.

相關連結 http://www.uni-muenster.de/en/index.html

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